アムステルフェーンのジャパンフェスティバル〜今年もハンドクラフトワークショップ大盛況!Japan Festival in Amstelveen ~ Handicraft workshops a great success!

【English below】










Workshop info

*7月10日(水) 10:00〜13:00に開催予定の「ミニチュア粘土お雛様」のワークショップは、残り2席ございます。


Many people participated in Coloratura's miniature clay workshops, origami and other workshops again this year.

All workshops were popular and fully booked.

This year, we were able to use one booth, allowing more people to experience the workshops in a larger space.

It seems that many people saw my workshops and participated on the spot, and I am pleased that more people were able to know about Coloratura's activities through the Japan Festival.

We were also happy to see that there were people who were unable to participate last year and came before the festival started, hoping to participate this year.

It is nice that men and women, adults and children...all kinds of people participate and enjoyed it at this Japan Festival.

Everyone was concentrating during the workshops, but when they finished, they had a wonderful smile(^^)
I am glad that many people enjoyed the workshops and am pleased that they were happy.

Thank you very much to everyone who participated and showed interest.


Coloratura holds workshops from time to time.

Workshop info

*Japanese Hina dolls workshop
July 10th from 10:00 to 13:00 (Wed), there are 2 seats available.

今年もアムステルフェーンのジャパンフェスティバルでワークショップを行います Holding workshops at Japan Festival in Amstelveen

【 English below】

1 万人以上の来場者が訪れるオランダ最大級の日本イベント・アムステルフェーンのジャパンフェスティバルで、今年も和風ハンドクラフトワークショップを開催します。





場所 : アムステルフェーン  スタッツハルトの広場

日時 : 6月30日(日)  12:00〜18:00

✳︎ 大人からお一人で作業できるお子様までご参加いただけますが、ミニチュア粘土のお寿司は細かい作業が多く、小学校高学年以上くらい対象です。



✳︎ 毎年、ワークショップをご希望される方が多いため、お一人様一回の参加とさせていただきます (各回のワークショップ開始時に空きがある場合には、その場でご参加いただける場合もあります)。


The Japan Festival in Amstelveen is one of the largest Japanese events in the Netherlands, with over 10,000 visitors.

At the event Coloratura will hold Japanese-style handicraft workshops again this year.

The miniature clay (Japanese food, Japanese sweets) workshop that is popular every year...

This time I will be offering small sushi and Japanese sweets.

I will also have workshops that you can make Japanese-style fabric charms to attach to your bag or cell phone, as well as chopstick holder and coaster using origami paper.

Please come and join us.

Location: Amstelveen Stadsplein

Date and time: Sunday, June 30th, 12:00-18:00

*From children old enough to sit and work alone to adults (since miniature clay 'sushi' is somewhat difficult.)

There are also many Japanese food stalls and stage performances.

Please come with your family and friends and enjoy!

✳︎ Every year, the workshops were fully booked and many people were unable to join. 
If you are interested, please come early. 

✳︎ To allow as many people as possible to participate, we will limit participation to one session per person (if there are spaces available at the start of each workshop, you may be able to join on the spot).

シーボルトハウス主催のライデンのJapanmarktで今年も出店しました Coloratura participated again in this year’s Japanmarkt in Leiden, organised by sieboldhuis

【 English below 】





今回も、多くのお客様とのちょっとしたやり取りを楽しみながら、あっという間に5時間が過ぎました。素敵な充実した時間に感謝‼︎ です。

日本博物館 シーボルトハウスが主催しているこのようなマーケットに出店させていただくことができ、嬉しい限りです。

お越しいただいた皆さま、主催者の皆さま… ありがとうございました。


We were blessed with good weather, and so many people came that there were times when it was hard to move along the canal-side streets.

Many of the visitors to this market are Japan lovers, and there were people dressed in kimonos, kimono-style costumes, and cosplay.

This year, Coloratura's booth was the very first one you would see when coming from Leiden Central Station.
Many people were interested in my Japanese style handicrafts and it was lively with many visitors(^^)

We were very pleased to have the opportunity to participate in such a market organized by the Japan Museum Sieboldhuis. 

Thank you to everyone who visited and to the organizers…

今年もライデンのジャパンマルクトに出店します! I will have a stall this year again at Japanmarkt in Leiden!

【 English below 】

次の日曜日、5月19日(日)に、ライデンのJapan Museumシーボルトハウス主催のJapanmarktにて、和風ハンドメイド品を販売します。






《 場所 》


《日時 》
5月19日 (日) 12:00〜17:00



On May 19th(Sun), Coloratura will sell Japanese-style handmade items at Japanmarkt, hosted by the Japan Museum Sieboldhuis in Leiden.

Coloratura has a range of Japanese-style handmade small items and accessories made of clay, as well as flower accessories using Japanese fabrics.
There are also many items such as keyrings, bookmarks, magnets, boxes and ornaments for everyday use.

I have also prepared some new items: the music box is a limited edition item with limited stock.

I crafted each one with care.
After I finished making them, I did consider giving them as gifts to my close friends instead of selling. However, I also find joy in offering these handmade items to those who appreciate them so I have decided to sell them. 
If you are interested, please come earlier.

Along the canal with the Japanmuseum Sieboldhuis

✳︎ If you walk from Leiden Station, Coloratura is sold at the very front table, just before the SieboldHuis.

《Date and Time》
May 19 (Sun) 12:00-17:00

If you live nearby or are interested in the Japanese market, please come and visit us.

盆栽イベントで出店中 Handicrafts sales at a bonsai event

【English below】


今週末はLodder Bonsai のオープンハウスで出店しています。


Open huisでは、様々なお店も出ていて賑やかでした😃

昨年こちらでお会いしたLodder Bonsaiの方や他の出店者さんに再会して挨拶したり、お話したり…、お客様たちともお話したり、楽しみながら販売しました。



I am selling my handicrafts at "Lodderbonsai Open huis this weekend.

There are many bonsai in the large facility, and various shops open for event today. 

I met the people of Lodder Bonsai and other venders who met last year, and it was nice to meet them again... 

I also talked to the customers, and I was having fun while selling.

This event will also be held tomorrow from 10:00 to 16:00.

オランダの「盆栽イベント」で出店します I will have a stall at the “Bonsai Event”

【 English below 】

オランダで盆栽がたくさん販売されているところ「Lodder Bonsai」の Open Houseで、今年もミニチュア粘土やつまみ細工などの和風ハンドメイド品を販売します。

3月9日(土)   9:00〜17:00
3月10日(日) 10:00〜16:00



"Lodder Bonsai Open House" will be held this weekend. 
I sell  Japanese-style handmade items such as miniature clay and tsumami crafts this year again at Lodder Bonsai where many bonsai are sold in the Netherlands.

this weekend!
March 9th (Sat)       9:00-17:00
March 10th(Sun)    10:00-16:00

There are so many bonsai, and many different shops on the day.
Please come and enjoy with your family or friends.

コンサートや日本食販売やバザーありの「能登半島地震チャリティーイベント」開催 “Noto Peninsula Earthquake Charity Event” was held.

【 English below 】





☆ Coloraturaでは、随時、ミニチュア粘土体験レッスンを行っております。




A charity concert and event sponsored by the “Hokuriku Kenjinkai of the Netherlands“ was held in Amstelveen today.

It was a lively event with concert by Japanese musicians and sales of Japanese foods and other goods etc.

This event was a warm and wonderful event made by the cooperation of everyone from the Hokuriku Kenjinkai, volunteers, and those who participated in performances and sales.

It was nice I could participate the charity event.


☆ Coloratura offers miniature clay workshops from time to time. 
For more information ↓


「能登半島地震の被災地へ支援」のためのチャリティイベントに参加します Participating in a charity event to support victims of Noto Peninsula Earthquake

【 English below 】

3月3日(日)に「北陸県人会@オランダ」主催で 、SAKB@Amstelveenにて開催される「能登半島地震の被災地へ支援」のためのチャリティイベントにColoaturaも参加します。





On March 3rd (Sunday), Coloratura will participate in a charity event sponsored by the “Hokuriku Kenjinkai @Netherlands” and held at SAKB@Amstelveen to support victims of 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake.

The event is a fun event as there will be sales of clothes, books, table wares, handcrafted goods, Japanese food, etc., and a concert will also be held.

Coloratura offers a wide variety of Japanese-style handmade decorations and accessories made of clay, fabrics, origami, and more. 
We will donate a portion of the sales. I hope this helps people who are having a difficult time in Hokuriku.

We look forward to seeing many of you.

オランダで「文化祭」。日本のフェスティバルで出店!Handmade sales at “BUNKASAI Japan Festival” in the Netherlands.

【 English below 】


日本のものを伝えよう、楽しんでもらおうと、たくさんの団体、出店者さんが集まり、日本食、スイーツ、和雑貨の販売… バザー、書道、日本語カフェ、日本のコーラスグループによる日本の歌(私も歌いましたよ〜)…他、ヨーヨー釣りなど、いろいろありました。





Bunkasai (sponsored by Jacop ) was held again this year, and Coloratura sold handmade items such as miniature clay and tsumami zaiku(Japanese fabric accessories etc.) crafts.

Many organizations and vendors gathered to share and introduce Japanese things, selling Japanese food, sweets, Japanese style goods... bazaars, calligraphy, Japanese cafe, Japanese songs performed by Japanese chorus groups (I also sang it), and also water balloons (yo-yo) fishing.. and lots more.

At Coloratura, we offer miniature clay products(mainly Japanese-style items such as rice balls and Japanese sweets), Japanese-style fabrics accessories and decorations etc. , and many people were interested and purchased the goods.

We met many new customers as well as friends and acquaintances, people who had participated in my workshops before, and we had a very fun and fulfilling day.
I also was able to meet other stall holders around our table.
I was happy to be able to participate in this kind of event and was able to introduce Japanese-style items.

I would like to thank everyone at Jacop who hosted Bunkasai, SAKB who provided the venue, the volunteers who helped set up, and also everyone who visited there yesterday. 

アムステルフェーンで行われる「文化祭」で出店します I will sell at “Bunkasai Festival “ in Amstelveen

【English below】

今年もアムステルフェーンにて、Jacop主催の「文化祭 BUNKA-SAI」 が開催され、Coloraturaもまた出店します。

アムステルフェーンのNemo茶房、SAKBの施設があるところで行われる JACOP(Stichting Japanese Communities Platform) さんによる文化祭で、第一回目であった昨年は、たくさんの来場者が足を運んでくださり、大盛況でした。



10月21日(土)  12:00〜16:00

SAKB Kunstlokaal
住所 : Ouderkerkerlaan 15, 1185 AB Amstelveen



The Japanese Cultural Festival “BUNKA-SAI'' will be held in Amstelveen again, and Coloratura will also have a stall.

BUNKA-SAI festival will be held by JACOP (Stichting Japanese Communities Platform) at the Nemo Sabo in Amstelveen, and the first event last year was a great success with many visitors. I think this year's event will be even more exciting.

Coloratura have a range of Japanese-style handmade small items and accessories made of clay, as well as flower accessories using Japanese fabrics.
I’m preparing various items you can use on a daily basis, such as keychains, bookmarks, magnets, boxes, and decorative items.

There will also be a variety of other shops and events, so please come and visit us.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the BUNKA-SAI festival.

《Date and time》
21 October (Saturday)  12:00〜16:00

SAKB Kunstlokaal
Address: Ouderkerkerlaan 15, 1185 AB Amstelveen

(The Japanese choir group "Sora", in which I am a member, will also sing (from 12:15 to 12:35. I won’t be at the sales table during that time). Please come and listen to us too.

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アムステルダムでハンドクラフトの教室「Coloratura」を開催しております戸辺 直子です。


My name is Naoko and..


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