The weather was nice and many people visited the market yesterday.
It seems that many Japan-related markets and events are held in the Netherlands, and especially this market seems to be very popular event with a large number of visitors.
A lot of people came to my stall and my Japanese style handmade goods were by far the most popular compare with markets I have sold before. I was very busy and so excited !
Many friends and acquaintances visited my stall, and some people I had met before also came to my stall to talk to me.
I realized that I had made friends willing to help me and so many friends and acquaintances during less than two year in the Netherlands. It made me feel so happy!
The visitors to this market were Japan lovers. There were people wearing kimono, kimono-style costumes, and cosplay.
There are so many people who love Japan and such events are being held in the Netherlands. It’s so nice for us, Japanese… makes us very happy.
It was fun to have a stall at this Japanmarkt !
Thank you to everyone… friends who helped me, Siebold House who held Japanmarkt, people who came to my stall …!
Yesterday and the day before yesterday, Bonsai Open Day was held at “ Lodder Bonsai bv” and I sold my handicrafts there.
When I went there, I was surprised to find that the scale was larger than I expected, and there were many bonsai from various countries.
Since it was an open day, there were also food stalls and various other shops.
Sushi, curry, pork cutlet sandwiches, Japanese sweets, Taiwanese tea..., Japanese-style handmade bags, sumie, Japanese paintings, sculptures, ikebana display (flower arrangement), Japanese tableware, flower pots..., and even a medaka(fish) shop…
I was surprised to know and it makes me happy that bonsai is so popular in the Netherlands !
I was very happy to be able to join such an event.
The staff of Lodder Bonsai and the other sellers were friendly, the atmosphere was great,
and I enjoyed the interaction with the people who bought from my stall and the people who talked to me while looking at my stall...
and also happy to see again with lady who had joined my workshops before…
I really had a very enjoyable time at the stall.
Thanks to the people in Lodder Bonsai for inviting me to participate in such an event! It was a great experience.
Thank you also to everyone who came to my stall.
昨日、一昨日は “Lodder Bonsai bv” にて、 Bonsai Open Day が開催され、 そちらで出店してきました。
Do you know that there are many bonsai for sale in the Netherlands?
This weekend, March 11 (Sat) and 12 (Sun), I will sell Japanese-style handmade items such as miniature clay and tsumazaiku at the "Bonsai Open Day" here at “Lodder Bonsai bv”.
BUNKA-SAI festival will be held by JACOP (Stichting Japanese Communities Platform) at the Nemo Sabo in Amstelveen, where the SAKB facility is located.
I am pleased to announce that I will have a selling table at the BUNKA-SAI Festival.
I have a range of Japanese-style handmade small items such as accessories or key chains made of clay, flower accessories using Japanese fabrics …etc.
There will also be a variety of other shops and events, so please come and visit us.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the BUNKA-SAI festival.
《Date and time》 8 October, Saturday 12:00〜17:00
《Place》 SAKB Kunstlokaal Address: Ouderkerkerlaan 15, 1185 AB Amstelveen *This is where Nemo Sabo is located.
(The Japanese choir group "Sora", in which I am a member, will also sing (from 12:30 to 12:45. I will not be at the shop during that time). This time, we will sing Japan-style songs. Please come and listen to us too if you like.
It was first time to sell my handmade goods at Sunday market in Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam.
It was cloudy but it was not hot, and comfortable weather to sell at the stall.
I enjoyed interacting with many people today and had a good experience.
A year ago, when I just moved to the Netherlands, I visited this market and wanted to sell my products here like this one day. It was very meaningful for me to be able to sell at this market today.
In "Coloratura ~ Miniature Clay & Handmade workshop", in addition to miniature clay, I also hold workshops on making accessories using Japanese-style cloth, turtle key chains using 5 yen (Japanese coin).
I use 5 yen(Japanese coin) “go-en 5円” in this turtle. The Sound “go-en” also has other meaning “go-en ご縁”(same sound). The latter “go-en” means "fate".
Turtles live long, so it also has meaning that hope to live long and healthy.
While making 5 yen coin turtles, I was thinking I was happy to able to meet various people through miniature clay and handcraft workshops in the Netherlands. I’m glad meeting people and having a wonderful time.