【 English below 】
3月3日(日)に「北陸県人会@オランダ」主催で 、SAKB@Amstelveenにて開催される「能登半島地震の被災地へ支援」のためのチャリティイベントにColoaturaも参加します。


On March 3rd (Sunday), Coloratura will participate in a charity event sponsored by the “Hokuriku Kenjinkai @Netherlands” and held at SAKB@Amstelveen to support victims of 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake.
The event is a fun event as there will be sales of clothes, books, table wares, handcrafted goods, Japanese food, etc., and a concert will also be held.
Coloratura offers a wide variety of Japanese-style handmade decorations and accessories made of clay, fabrics, origami, and more.
We will donate a portion of the sales. I hope this helps people who are having a difficult time in Hokuriku.
We look forward to seeing many of you.