【English below】

《日時》2024年9月21日(土) 13:00〜16:00
《費用》€42 (材料費、お飲み物、お茶菓子代込)
《言語》日本語 & 英語
バス停Amsterdamse Bosからすぐ
こちら ↓ よりお願いいたします。
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Would you like to make a cute little Hina dolls together?
Amsterdam's Miniature Clay workshop〜Coloratura will hold a workshop to create Japanese “Hina dolls”. The little doll is small enough to fit on a 1 Euro coin.

《Date and time》21 September 2024 (Saturday) 13:00〜16:00
Two dolls + lantern, two kinds of sweets for Girls Festival
《Cost》€42 (including material cost, drink, sweets)
minimum 3 participants, maximum 6
《Language》Japanese & English
《Location》along the Amstelveenseweg, Near the main entrance of Amsterdamse Bos.
2 minutes walk from Bus stop: Amsterdamse Bos.
I will send you the details after you apply for the lesson.
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