【 English below 】
文字はお好きな色、文字を事前に選んでいただき、こちらで用意していますが、今日の方々は、「Netherlands」 と 「Best Memories」。
今日参加された方のうちのお一人は、ワーキングホリデーでいらっしゃっている若い方でした。今、在蘭4ヶ月くらいとのことでしたので、まだ今後数ヶ月の間に、もっともっとたくさんの楽しい、思い出深い出来事があると思いますが、日本に戻られてから、その思い出の写真を「Best Memories」 の自作の写真立てに入れて、ずっと飾っていただけたら、嬉しい限りです。
☆ ミニチュア粘土の体験レッスンを随時行っております。
Workshop info
In this workshop, we made a windmill and many tulips, arranging the tulips in pre−made clogs.
Participants can choose their preferred color and word for their frame in advance, and today’s participants chose "Netherlands" and "Best Memories".
They made very first and the lesson went very smoothly...
and beautiful photo frames were completed.
One of today’s participants was a young lady on a working holiday. She said she has been in the Netherlands for about four months, and still have several months ahead, so I’m sure she will have many more fun and memorable experiences.
I would be very happy if they could put their memorable photo in the "Best Memories" and “Netherlands” photo frame they made and display it after she returns to Japan.
☆ I hold one-day workshops from time to time.
Please see below.
Workshop info
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