【 English below 】


今回も、多くのお客様とのちょっとしたやり取りを楽しみながら、あっという間に5時間が過ぎました。素敵な充実した時間に感謝‼︎ です。

日本博物館 シーボルトハウスが主催しているこのようなマーケットに出店させていただくことができ、嬉しい限りです。
お越しいただいた皆さま、主催者の皆さま… ありがとうございました。

We were blessed with good weather, and so many people came that there were times when it was hard to move along the canal-side streets.

Many of the visitors to this market are Japan lovers, and there were people dressed in kimonos, kimono-style costumes, and cosplay.
This year, Coloratura's booth was the very first one you would see when coming from Leiden Central Station.
Many people were interested in my Japanese style handicrafts and it was lively with many visitors(^^)

We were very pleased to have the opportunity to participate in such a market organized by the Japan Museum Sieboldhuis.
Thank you to everyone who visited and to the organizers…